Positieve effecten van de cafeïne kauwgom van GRIZZ Energy Gum op menselijk gedrag

Positive effects of caffeine on human behavior

Caffeine-containing products are indispensable in everyday life. This naturally concerns well-known sources such as coffee (in all kinds of forms), tea, dark chocolate, and energy drinks, and for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, for example, pre-workouts. However, the more unknown sources such as caffeine chewing gum (also known as sports chewing gum or energy gum), energy gels with caffeine or caffeine shakes, and pills are becoming increasingly popular and each has its own application and effect.

Many of the caffeinated products are taken almost carelessly without considering the effects these products can have on human behavior, whether positive or negative. When you exercise and take a pre-workout product such as a shake or a chewing gum with caffeine, the primary reason isn’t that you are looking for a mood-boosting product, but it is primarily taken for energy- and focus boost. Drinking coffee and tea is more motivated by the social element than by the specific pursuit of functional benefits unless one has some difficulty getting started in the morning.

The fact that caffeine does contribute to positive effects on human behavior is apparent from scientific studies that have been conducted into these effects, and a number of things stand out.

What are the positive effects of caffeine on human behavior?

GRIZZ Energy Gum voor extra alertheid, focus en concentratie tijdens het werken

Increase alertness, decrease fatigue

Caffeine intake causes an increase in alertness and also reduces fatigue, things that can be of great importance if, for example, one has to perform evening/night work with a monotonous character. This also includes activities where, for example, you have to look at screens for a long time, such as security, or long car journeys in the dark, such as truck- and taxi drivers.

GRIZZ Energy Gum voor ultieme focus tijdens het werk


In addition, caffeine can also improve performance during activities or activities that require continuous attention or tension, such as operations in a hospital or flying a passenger plane or in extreme, adventurous cases, for example, a jet fighter. Losing attention can have disastrous consequences and here it is also seen that a product such as energy gum (or caffeinated chewing gum) has made its appearance since the focus, concentration, and alertness are maintained, but one does not experience a diuretic effect, which makes a visit to the toilet indispensable.

GRIZZ Energy Gum is de kauwbare oppepper dat zorgt voor een beter humeur


Regarding people’s moods, different reactions are seen. The most obvious effect is of course when people stop their caffeine consumption. This has an immediate (ie within a day), negative, effect on their mood. Conversely, however, one does not see the exact opposite. A more positive mood does not arise immediately while using a caffeine-containing product. It can be stated that there is a so-called reverse effect, it only becomes significant if one stops using a certain product (or product containing active energy-enhancing ingredients). 

Avoid caffeine under- and overdose

Finally, the amount of caffeine per intake also plays a major role.

More is not always better applies to many situations and certainly in the case of caffeine. If the dosage is too high, in combination with a low caffeine tolerance, the effects of the active energy substances will have the opposite effect, the so-called contra-effect. The people overdosing the caffeine, or energy-enhancing substances, will not feel the benefits that occur with the right- or so-called moderate use. Moderate use means that the intake will be around 2-3 mg per kilogram of body weight.

As indicated earlier, a caffeine product such as energy gum is in dosage at a moderate level and you can benefit from the active energy substance for hours. Having said that, you must pay attention that the dosage comes out around 2 mg per kilo of body weight, otherwise, the effects are not or hardly noticeable and this falls under the so-called placebo effect. For heavier people, this could mean, for example, that one has to take 2 gums (or with some brands even more than 2) to arrive at the correct dose.

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