Disclaimer GRIZZ Energy Gum®


This website has been compiled with the greatest possible care. All information on this website is subject to apparent printing, typesetting, pricing, and programming errors.

All images on this website are copyrighted and may not be used by third parties. GRIZZ Energy Gum® is a protected brand name and may not be used by third parties without written permission.

The information on this website is only intended as a source of information about the products supplied by GRIZZ Energy Gum®. Background information is also provided. The information on this site is therefore not medical or therapeutic advice and can never be interpreted or applied as such.

This website is not a substitute for a qualified physician or therapist. In case of physical complaints, you are strongly advised to contact a qualified doctor or therapist.

In some cases, the information includes self-care tips. These tips are in no way direct medical advice and in no way are they specifically related to the individual medical situation of the visitor or someone for whom this information is sought on this website.

The self-care tips should be seen as general guidelines that apply to non-serious, common, and everyday complaints. Because complications can also occur with these less serious complaints, it is important that visitors seek medical professional help when in doubt. Also, when it concerns information regarding the use of (self-care) supplements, it does not in any case concern medical advice or information that specifically relates to the individual medical situation of the visitor or someone on whom he/she is looking for information this website.

We are not responsible for any decisions you make regarding your illness or health. GRIZZ Energy Gum® excludes any liability for any damage, direct and indirect, for whatever reason, arising from or related to the use of or application of information and products that are offered via www.grizzenergygum.com. Despite all due care, the information on this site may contain errors.

The disclaimer applies to all information on this website.