
An improved concentration and better focus during work are pleasant for everyone. Whether you work from home, in the office, shifts in the factory, or must work night shifts in care or security; Staying fit, sharp, and focused is important in all sectors.

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Kantoor energie

Working more effectively with caffeinated chewing gum

Feeling fresh and focused on the work floor is always good! When you are fully concentrated at work, you will work much more effectively, which results in getting more done in a shorter period of time. The caffeinated chewing gum of GRIZZ Energy Gum® is the ideal solution for this. Due to the rapid absorption of the active energy substances (after only 5 minutes!), you can enjoy the many benefits at lightning speed. You could also use the energy gum as an alternative for tea or coffee or even as a coffee replacement at certain times, especially because of the lack of a diuretic effect, so less distracting toilet visits.

A modern and trendy product that suits today's society where more and more attention is being paid to health, good nutrition, and safe, tested ingredients. Of course, the energy gum is also suitable for people who go through life vegan and gluten-free.

Cafeïnekauwgom voor meer focus tijdens het werken

Optimal focus while working from home

A lot has changed in a very short time. One major change is the working environment. The balance between working from home and working at the office has changed forever. From now on there will always be more working from home than ever before. For some of us it's ideal, for others it's not. Having many digital meetings, being constantly in the same environment, less interaction with colleagues and a lot less movement can lead to reduced concentration and motivation. By means of our high-quality caffeine chewing gum, you stay focused and better concentrated, and you are fitter and sharper for every meeting.

Furthermore, GRIZZ Energy Gum® ensures higher calorie burning and stimulates blood circulation. This gives the body more oxygen, which results in more energy, better focus, alertness, and concentration since all body cells, including brain cells, are activated. This allows you to work more concentrated, meet firm deadlines without getting stressed and headaches and increase your overall work effectiveness. Also from your home office!

Better blood circulation is not bad when you have a profession where you mainly sit. Especially in the working-from-home situation, the “office” chairs are often not optimal for your back and stiffness can occur. Several scientific studies show that caffeine chewing gum can contribute to pain relief. This has to do with the production of dopamine in the body. Due to an increased dopamine level and improved blood circulation, you will suffer less from the nagging shoulder, neck, and back complaints.

More energy during irregular working hours

This applies more to people working night shifts or having irregular working hours. Examples of this are, for example, security or healthcare. The energy gum improves focus and alertness so that working at irregular working hours is no longer a theme.

Caffeinated chewing gum has a major influence on our biological clock. When caffeine reaches the brain, it attaches and blocks the receptors for adenosine. This is a neurotransmitter that can make you feel tired and sleepy. Energy gum reaches the brain faster because it is absorbed into the body through the oral mucosa. The caffeine is already absorbed after 5 minutes, wherewith other caffeinated products often take 20-30 minutes. This has to do with the fact that coffee and energy drinks go through the gastrointestinal tract, which takes much longer. The body naturally produces adenosine as soon as you get up and expend energy. The more adenosine is produced and released, the more tired you feel. While consuming caffeine- or energy gum, and afterward, your body still produces adenosine, only it is suppressed and blocked by caffeine, allowing you to keep going for longer without feeling fatigued. Optimal for the night shift!

GRIZZ Energy Gum meer energie tijdens het werken

Energy where and when you need it

GRIZZ Energy Gum® is produced through a patented production process, which means that most of the active energy substances in the energy gum are retained. The synergy between our high-quality, sustainably sourced ingredients has been scientifically proven to increase attention, energy levels and improve focus. The combination between the patented production process and the high-quality ingredients ensures that GRIZZ Energy Gum® is "the choice of professionals" in many sectors. Click here and discover your true potential! 


  • Improved focus and alertness
  • Sharper for your (online) meetings!
  • Stay focused during (long) meetings
  • Absorbed into the body after only 5 minutes
  • Don't suffer from a sugar crash
  • Feeling fitter and fresher
  • Work more effectively
  • Stay sharp during a night shift
  • 0% sugar, 0% fat, 0% aspartame, 0% acesulfame-K, 0% sucralose
  • Gluten-free & Vegan
  • Low in calories
  • No laxative or diuretic effect
  • Not expensive – best price/quality ratio
  • Helps prevent tooth decay
  • Increases calorie burn
  • Stimulates blood flow
  • Easy to take with you, on the way to work or home